Trial of the Crusader Blizzlike Script Requires LuaHypArc
Fixed the Dreadscale and Acidmaw death event bug, so right now, i'm scripting the PVP events.
Hello ac-web I am working on a hmm up to 90% at least blizzlike trial of the crusader script. Including:
The floor!
A script in the SQL to include the floor for trial of the crusader.
Worldmap_info and areatriggers fixes
So players can enter and exit the instance, for the worldmap_info fix, there is one fix, if you already have ToC in your database, run the update for it instead. See the "fix areatriggers and worldmap info" section of the SQL.
Chat Events
The Lich King spawns and break the floor so players fall down before last boss
Anub'arak yells things when players hit the water
Highlord Tirion Fordring talks before each bossfight
And everything else.
Gossip NPCs
Working to 100% for every boss. Function to check if there are horde or alliance players that is starting the boss event.
Horde/Alliance drops
On gossip npcs there is a function to check if the players is horde/alliance.
If horde - spawns a boss with horde drops
If alliance - spawns a boss with alliance drops
Boss AIs
Around 95% blizzlike, since some spells and other things doesn't work.
100% Correct Sound IDs
Think 95% or so correct texts also for chat events. If you find something incorrect, please post a reply and i will correct it.
I've forgot to add two gameobjects in the SQL. They are used for Gormok and Jaraxxus's AIs.
insert into gameobject_names (`entry`, `Type`, `DisplayID`, `Name`) values
('34801', '5', '4452', 'Gormok - Fire');
insert into gameobject_names (`entry`, `Type`, `DisplayID`, `Name`) values
('34802', '5', '4452', 'Jaraxxus - Fire');
Scripts pack - 2/5 bosses completed.
password: acweb
SQL Is finally done!
Download here.
Password: acweb
The SQL has been tested and it worked fine for me.
Credits: HyperSniper for the LuaHypArc engine.
kjanko for helping out with Dreadscale and Acidmaw's deaths events.
Me for everything else.