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Power Auras Classic 4.3, POWA 4.3

1- Type /powa, to open the effect browser
2- Click on the button "New" to create a new effect
3- On the effect editor, you can choose the texture to apply to the effect, the position, the size, the symmetry, be creative :P
4- Below, select the activator of the effect (like a buff, debuff, etc...)
5- Enter the name of the buff, debuff... just below (or a part of the buff, like "clear" for activation with the buff "clear cast"). Don't forget to read the tooltips for more help on ways to enter the names
6- It's ready ! Close all windows, when you gain the buff/debuff, the effect appears
Категория: Бафы, Дебафы | Просмотров: 2573 | Добавил: Administrator 1
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