Ace3 - development framework Achieved! - customize the position and scale of the achievement alert frames AutoRepair - automaticaly repairs all your items when you visit a vendor azHideSpam - hide the Talent learn/unlearn Text in Chat when you switch it BadBoy - Anti - Spam Bagnon - simple Bag replacement BonusScanner - compare your Equip stats ButtonFacade (Dek) - Skinning your Actionbar Buttons Chatter - simple Chat modification DeadlyBossMods - Boss Encounter Dominos (Dominos Buff Times) - Actionbar replacement ErrorFilter - hide System Messages (for example:"No Target.") FishingBuddy - simple One Click Fishing helper MapRuler - draws a dotted line on the world map in the direction that your character is facing m_buff (MonoBuff) - Buff Skin and replacement [Thank's alot Monolit the Autor of this AddOn] m_map (MonoMap) - Worlmap replacement [Thank's alot Monolit the Autor of this AddOn] MoveAnything - it enables you to move, scale, hide and alpha blend just about anything in WoW nibChatTabs - Chat Window Tabs OmniCC - displays Cooldown time at the Spell/Button/Actionbar Overachiever - Achievement enhancer pMinimap - Minimap replacement [Thank's alot Adrian L. Lange the Autor of this AddOn] Poisoner - one Click Poison Weapon Buff Postal - simple Post helper Quartz - Castbar replacement Quickie - you can show your Helmet or Cloak from the Character Frame with 2 Buttons Reflux - Profile Manager RangeColors - displays Red Indicators when the target is out of range SharedMedia (Lib Shared Media) - font Database Skinner - customize your UI with graphical Texture replacements SmallBlizzRaidFrames - Blizzard Raid Frames replacement StealYourCarbon - reagent manager tabDB - add's Dungeon, Battleground... Tab in one TalentSwitch - simple Talent switch helper teknicolor (modified) - ClassColor modification tekticles (modified) - font replacement TinyDPS - Damage Meter TipTac - Tooltip modification XLoot - replacement of the default loot frame
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