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Nevion UI - сборка аддонов

Сборка представлена в 2х форматах:
[indent]1) Для широкоформатных мониторов(16:9): 1440x900
2) Для обычных мониторов(4:3): 1280*1024[/indent]

После входа в игру введите: /reflux switch Nevion

Для того, чтобы передвигать окна, автор рекомендует нам использовать аддон oUF MovableFrames. Обращу внимание, что аддон не уверсален, двигает только окна, созданные через oUF.

Список аддонов:
acb_CastBar - CastBar Plugin for AzCastBar

aNamePlates - Minimalistic name plates, Evl's Name Plates remake

aMinimap - Minimap addon

ArkInventory - Allows viewing of your (and your alts) Bags, Keyring, Bank, Guild Bank, Inventory and Mail items when ever and where ever you want.

AzCastBar - Casting Bar Addon with Plugin Support

AzCastBarOptions - Option Dialog for AzCastBar

Bartender4 - Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn

BigWigs_Extras - Big Wigs Extra Plugins

BigWigs_Naxxramas - Big Wigs Naxxramas Modules

BigWigs_Northrend - Big Wigs Northrend Modules

BigWigs_Plugins - Big Wigs Core Plugins

BigWigs_Ulduar - Big Wigs Ulduar Modules

Bison - Customizing your buff display

Broker_Durability - Durability plugin for any DataBroker display.

Broker_Mail - Mail plugin for any DataBroker display.

Broker_Money - Simple money display for LDB

ButtonFacade - Allows the dynamic skinning of button-based addons.

ButtonFacade_Caith - Caith skin for Button Facade.

ClassTimer - Timers for Buffs, DOTs, CC effects, etc..

CowTip - Tooltip of awesomeness. Moo. It'll graze your pasture.

Fortress - A display for LibDataBroker-1.1

FramesResized - Resizes some default UI frames (LootFrame, QuestLog, RaidInfo, TradeSkillUI and TrainerUI) to show more lines

Grid - A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit frames

kgPanels - Create panels for customizing your UI, sucessor to eePanels

kgPanelsConfig - Configuration for kgPanels

Neutrino Modular Texture Package - Textures at the bottom (Action bar, omen, recount, chat, map)

Mapster - Simple Map Mod

MikScrollingBattleText - Scrolls battle information around the character model.

MSBTOptions - Load on demand options for Mik's Scrolling Battle Text

oGlow - Make your shiny items... glow in the dark!

Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.

OmniCC - Cooldown timer (in the aktion bar)

oRA2 - A CT_RaidAssist alternative

oRA2_Leader - oRA2 Leader modules

oRA2_Optional - oRA2 Optional modules

oRA2_Participant - oRA2 Participant modules

oUF - Unit frame framework. Does nothing by itself.

oUF_alekk - oUF layout

oUF_AuraSort - Sorts auras for oUF layouts.

oUF_Indicators - Adds Grid like Indicators to oUF

oUF_Smooth - Smoothly updates bars

Prat-3.0 - A framework for chat ehancement modules.

Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display

Reflux - UI loader[/cut]


Окна: сумки, параметры

Для широкоформатных мониторов(16:9): 1440x900
[download]Nevion_UI_1.1.1 - для WoW 3.3(letitbit)
Nevion_UI_1.1.1 - для WoW 3.3(deposit)[/download]

Для обычных мониторов(4:3): 1280*1024
[download]Nevion_UI_4_3_1.1 - для WoW 3.3(letitbit)
Nevion_UI_4_3_1.1 - для WoW 3.3(deposit)[/download]
Категория: Aддоны 2.4.3 3.3.5 | Просмотров: 2233 | Добавил: Administrator 5
addon wow
Всего комментариев: 1
Administrator (20.06.2010)
неплохая сборка
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