1- Type /powa, to open the effect browser 2- Click on the button "New" to create a new effect 3- On the effect editor, you can choose the texture to apply to the effect, the position, the size, the symmetry, be creative :P 4- Below, select the activator of the effect (like a buff, debuff, etc...) 5- Enter the name of the buff, debuff... just below (or a part of the buff, like "clear" for activation with the buff "clear cast"). Don't forget to read the tooltips for more help on ways to enter the names 6- It's ready ! Close all windows, when you gain the buff/debuff, the effect appears
Delete your "Interface" and "WTF" folders in your WoW directory (don't forget to backup your bindings-cache.wtf) Extract the WinRAR archive to your WoW directory Rename folders "ACCOUNTNAME", "Servername" and "Charactername (-Priest / -Warlock / -Warrior)"
Addon Do Not Update List: MBB Quartz ItsyMM Power Auras Classic (only referring to using the curse client) SharedMedia and Additional Fonts (have additional textures and fonts I added, unless you know what you're doing ) Grid. If you do update, please refer to this page for the proper Lua changes you'll need to make to regain the white background.
Addon Do Not Update List: MBB Quartz ItsyMM Power Auras Classic (only referring to using the curse client) SharedMedia and Additional Fonts (have additional textures and fonts I added, unless you know what you're doing ) Grid. If you do update, please refer to this page for the proper Lua changes you'll need to make to regain the white background.